In this ever-changing life, one thing remains present—ebb and flow.
A present that comes nuanced, never twice the same.
A present that excites, as there is only one way to ride the waves:
Swinging it to the beat of your own drum, forming your rhythm.
Echoed through the craft of skilful hands,
each piece of Furō is made to celebrate the present and the ones who make it count.

Celebrating the present
Means to be mindful of our creations and intentional with our choices. Crafting our pieces in small batches asks that we thoroughly understand our materials and thoughtfully consider the details to meet the best form and function in our designs.
All things human and nature inspire us. Their ever-changing movements are synonymous with one another that we can't imagine either one being stifled. Always opting for quality fabrics that last and removing single-use plastic from our packaging is how we create pieces that match versatile lifestyles and keep out of stagnant landfills.

...and the ones who make it count
Means honouring every being that brings life to our designs. Each piece of Furō comes from skilled hands that we’ll never take for granted. Having close partnerships with independent artisans and small factories lets us ensure fair trade is present in a safe workplace. They are channels that our designs must flow through before arriving in your hands. For this, we will always seek to put in what we truly believe to be good at every stage.